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New Online Offering: Sales & Marketing Boost Fundamentals

July 31, 2017

Are you a small manufacturer relying on word-of-mouth to increase sales? Frustrated with poor sales and marketing performance? This 8-week do-it-yourself approach will enable you to understand and apply proven marketing strategies and systems needed to boost sales through a convenient online learning environment. In this program, students will progress through a series of recorded webinars, readings, and assignments addressing:

  1. Messaging – Why they should buy from you as opposed to others
  2. Market research – How you stand relative to competition and customer needs
  3. Communications – How you get the word out
  4. Salesforce optimization – How you increase quote and close rates
  5. Lead generation – How you draw customers to you
  6. Performance metrics – How you set goals and make improvements

Students will also receive:

  • An 8-hour 1-on-1 workshop to optimize the company’s messaging
  • Two 1-hour 1-on-1 coaching sessions with the instructors
  • Plenty of communication and feedback throughout the program
  • Up to 15 CEUs for professional continuing education

Program Cost: $2,200. Funds may be available to cover a portion of the cost. Contact us for additional information.
