Employee engagement is one of the top challenges experienced by many companies across all sector. In fact, a 2022 Gallup study suggests that nearly 17% of the over 14,000 Full-Time and Part-Time employees surveyed were actively disengaging at work. But what is they were engaged? If every employee had a deeper commitment to the success of the team and the organization, what would be the impact?
In this episode, Robert Isherwood, CEO of AMBAC International, provides a candid glimpse into what’s possible when employees become decision makers within the business. This concept of psychological ownership facilitates a positive inertia that is undeniable.
Here are some resource links for information discussed during the episode:
Interested in the Great Game of Business?
AMBAC weekly huddles are conducted each Wednesday at 1PM EST. Contact Robert Isherwood to set up an appointment to sit in on a session.
Leadership books written by Dr. Ron Heifetz.
Harvard Business Review 2015 article on Psychological Ownership in the workplace.