/ Management Systems Lead Auditor Training – ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018

Management Systems Lead Auditor Training – ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018

*ISO 14001 may be taken independently of ISO 45001 and vice versa. Please select your desired course during registration.

Attendees successfully completing the examinations provided in conjunction with this course receive a Certificate of Attainment for these Exemplar Global knowledge competency units:
EM – Environmental Management Systems
AU – Auditing Management Systems
TL – Leading Management Systems Audit Teams
OH – Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
The Certificate of Attainment provides evidence of knowledge competency defined by Exemplar Global for certification as a Environmental Management Systems Lead Auditor.
A prior review of the ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards and internal audit experience is suggested for this course.
This course is delivered by SCMEP in partnership with Pillar Management Associates. Completion of this course satisfies the training requirements for certification by Exemplar Global as a lead auditor.

Day 1 EM 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Course Objectives (Sect. A)
Terminology and Definitions (Sect. B)
Eval “EMS Terms & Definitions”
EMS Principles (Sect. C)
Requirements of ISO 14001 (Sect. D)
EM 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Requirements of ISO 14001 (Sect. D) continued
Eval “Standard” PREWORK
Introduction to Lone Mountain Mining
Eval “Lone Mountain Mining”
Aspects and Impacts (Sect. E)
Historical Perspective & Regulations (Sect. F)
Homework Eval “EMS” Eval “Documented Information
Eval “EMS Concepts Eval “Operations”
Eval “Human Impact”
Day 2 AU 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Complete EM Evaluations
Note: The instructor might use 15 minutes to acclimate a student taking EM course only.
Course Overview (Sect. A)
Terms and Definitions (Sect. B)
Eval “Definitions”
Principles of Auditing (Sect. C)
Competence & Evaluation of Auditors (Sect. D)
1:00 am – 5:00 pm Audit Planning (Sect. E)
On-Site Preparation (Sect. F)
Homework On-Site Audit (Sect. G)
Mock Audit Part I
Eval “EM Documentation Review” Eval “Opening Meeting”
Eval “Audit Checklist” Eval “Closing Meeting”
Day 3 AU 8:00 am – 9:00 am Audit Report and Closing (Sect. H)
Eval “Corrective Action”
9:00 am – 12:00 pm Mock Audit Part II
Eval “Audit Plan” Eval “Document Nonconformities”
Eval “Audit Report”
TL 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Audit Team Leader Responsibility & Audit Initiation (Sect. A)
Eval “Audit Team Leader” Eval “Audit Schedule”
Eval “Conflict Resolution”
14001/EM Course is Complete
OH OH Sections A, B and/or C (time permitting)
OH Homework Introduction to: Eval “OH Documentation Review”
Eval “OH&S Terms & Definitions” Eval “OH&S Concepts”
Eval “Documented Information”
Day 4 OH 8:00 am – 12:00 pm Introduction – Course Objectives & Overview (Sect. A)
Management Systems – Fundamentals (Sect. B)
Terms & Definitions (Sect. C)
Introduction to OHSAS 18001 Concepts (Sect. D)
OH 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm ISO 45001 – The Requirements (Sect. E)
Eval “Standard/Prework”
Hazards & Risk & Opportunities (Sect. F)
Suitability & Effectiveness (Sect. G)
Eval “OH Hazard
Eval “Operational Effectiveness”
Complete OH Evaluations / Follow-up as needed

Course Expectations

 This course is intensiveIt covers all the topics seen on the above schedule.
– Evaluations must be successfully completed on various topics by the student (much like a test or examination).
– Some of the evaluations are completed as homework. Please expect an average of 1-3 hours of additional work in the evening after the conclusion of the class day.
– Evaluation time is variable for each student. The course end time may vary as a result.
– The determination of student competency is not subjective. Instructors are provided with specific measurable and objective guidelines and criteria to determine student competency. The instructor will review those guidelines with you prior to each exercise.
– Students who do not demonstrate competency in one or more exercises within a module (EM, OH, AU, or TL) will be given two (2) additional attempts during the course with assistance from the instructor. If the student does not demonstrate competency after these additional attempts, the instructor will notify the student of this status at that time.- Certificates of Completion are provided to those students who pass one or more of the modules of training (EM, OH, AU, and/or TL). You may be notified prior to leaving the course which modules you successfully completed if they are turned in on a timely basis throughout the course.
– A student who does not complete a module may make arrangements with the instructor and Pillar after the course has concluded to work on achieving competency. This time should not exceed five (5) days.

$2,150 / Per Person

February 24, 2025 @ 8:00 am -
February 27 @ 5:00 pm


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